Psytechology Universe

The Universe

The Universe

The Universe: Amazing Facts


  1. In estimates, the universe extends 93 billion light-years, and hosts over two trillion galaxies with billions to trillions of stars minimum, and this is what is observable. It could be much larger actually.


  1. Yet, we are an unimposing species: we humans are tiny entities by any standards. Our whole solar system is like a drop in a bucket proving that in the cosmic order of things we are but a small speck.


  1. The universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old, dating back to the Big Bang.


  1. Astronomers in the late 20th century founds that the universe is expanding at a much faster than previously thought. All forms part of the expansion process and actually the distances between the galaxies.


  1. The universe itself has the residual echoes of the Big Bang in form of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation or simply CMB. These radiations exist in the universe and play a very important role of supporting the Big Bang theory.


  1. The universe contains about 27% of the unknown substance called dark matter, which cannot emit, absorb, and reflect light and can affect normal matter only through the gravity force. It is thus deduced from its impact on the amounts of normal matter that we can perceive.


  1. Amazingly, ninety-five percent of the total mass and energy of the universe is out of our sight!


  1. Black Holes, are areas in the universe where gravity is so intense that nothing, not even light is capable of breaking free from the gravitational pull. They are created during the core collapse phase at the last stage of the life of huge stars. Supermassive black holes (SMBs) can be found in the cores of most galaxies and obviously our own galaxy the Milky Way.


  1. A Neutron Star is the densest state of stellar matter formed after the explosion of a massive star in a supernova. If you were to scoop up a sample of neutron star stuff in the palms of your hands, that spoonful of neutron star material would have the mass of about a billion tons on Earth of substance.


  1. Super Earths known to have been found to be revolving around stars other than those in our solar system. Some of these exoplanets orbit within the habitable zone of their star in which conditions could exist to support live as we understand it.


  1. According to some theories in physics, there could be a multiverse meaning that we live in one of the sets of universes with distinct physical characteristics.


  1. In relativity, Einstein’s theory expounds more on time dilation in that the rate at which time passes is relative on the relative velocity. This means time elapses in a different rate for the object and for the objects that are moving in different speeds.


  1. Quantum Entanglement phenomenon is an occurrence by which two or more particles can become correlated in a manner whereby a particle’s state will have an effect on the other particle(s)’ state irrespective of the distance between the said particles. It constitutes one of the most fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, to this date, people continue to work on it.


  1. Neutron star spins 600 times per second! That’s the incredible speed of a neutron star, the collapsed core of a massive star.


  1. On Jupiter and Saturn, it might hail diamonds! Owing to the high pressure and temperatures, it has been believed that methane reacts to form liquid diamonds that freely fall into their deeper parts.

The people need more peaceful life in this highly technical world. Psytechology is there to help the masses in it.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ovais

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